It’s as simple as this…
Culturally responsible design with a connectivity to people, history, and place irrespective of style. We need a new narrative, a new organization, or perhaps simple open sources ethos that will serve everyone as a new datum to build upon moving forward. One which espouses the high road politically and does not kowtow to any extreme minority. A new group with new ideas that can find a new solution to protect, preserve, and nurture classical, traditional, and modern architecture and arts…. with a simple message that a 5th grader can understand.
What is it about buildings that make you feel good?
They are familiar and friendly because they remind us of,
and relate to our past, nature, and people before us.
This simple solution, the combination of “Cultural Sustainability” and “Contextual Sustainability” provides a rule-set to define all design, irrespective of style. All design should have a connectivity to people, culture, and context/vernacular. Within that… Classicism and Traditional design live, new modernities can be discovered based on proven canons. Everyone wins, yet style is not necessarily mentioned. If we can abandon polemics for polite discourse and education, we can change the world.